
A Christmas weekend...

So I had two Christmas' this weekend. One with the G-ma and then with the G-pa. They were great...well the one with G-ma atleast. The other is just a "get together" where no one is ever comfortable, you only see these people once a year, and you walk around on pins and needles wondering who's gonna piss someone off this year! Oh what fun! I don't understand why we have to make effort to be apart of him and his family once a year when he nor them make no effort to be apart of ours at any other part of the year.

I wonder sometimes how anyone would not wanna be apart of their own grandkids lives. That blows me away. But then again, we (as in the grandkids) don't really care to be apart of his either. I, personally, am very happy with just having a Grandma (on both sides even!) ... and might I add the best darn G-ma's in the world! Amazing how well my mom came out after having a father like hers....not to mention how my dad turned out with a father (that really only amounted to a sperm contributor) like his. UGH! I truly am thankful and blessed for the MOM and DAD I have! Anyone can be a mother or a father...but it takes special people to be a mama and daddy!


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