
This new book!!

So I started reading this new book (well it's new to me anyway) called "Your Best Life Now" by Joel Osteen! All I can say is wow (already...and I've only read 2 chapters!). I bought this book for my mom last Christmas, I think, and she was taking her pretty little time reading it, so I'm borrowing it for the time being. So the first chapter was over enlarging your vision ( I, for one, have been caught in a rut for a while now...due to some circumstances...and needed an awakening on not thinking that everything bad will always happen to me). The second chapter is over Raising your level of expectancy! Again...I haven't really expected good things because bad things usually happen to me. I have always just prepared myself for the worse, so when it did happen, it would'nt hurt so bad. *NOTE: Not such a great idea* But anyway, I'm really excited about this book, having to limit myself right now to study for a dang test on Saturday...(a very very important one I might add).

Other than that, Mom and Dad came up today for Dr's appointments (so I got a free meal!!) We went to the house of Knives afterwards to get my brother a Kershaw knife (he's into collecting them)....And actually ended up getting me one too! (you know...just in case I get trapped by my seat belt in a time of an emergency...I can cut myself clear!! (words of the salesman...not mine!) So I really wanted pink...(go figure right), but Kershaw doesn't make a pink one (I like the kershaw's because they have the assisted opening (for those really desperate times I guess !!! )....so I picked out the Camo one...(2nd best to Pink!!). Have to wait till Christmas though! But after that I can free myself....or you!! Just call!! haha

Till then~

*The color is off on this pic...but the real thing is 10 times better!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw, I'm so jealous! I would buy practically every knife I saw if I didn't really really work on my self-control. Never seen the one you're talking about... have to show me!!

11:19 AM  

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