Shopping day for most...hunting for me!!!
So I went hunting today! up at approx. 5:15 a.m. and laid there for a while having an argument with myself as to whether I really wanted to go or not. I wake my brother (who is the lucky one who gets to go with me this year!!!), and my g-ma sees us off! We arrive at the farm about 6 am and get nestled into our "hut" of choice. Let me tell you that with all my experiences of hunting. I would have to say that an actual deer stand is much nicer (and might I add warmer), than an open tripod with brush all around. Brrrr. It's still pitch black outside and I can't see 2 feet in front of the next obvious answer is to take a nap till daylight!!! And that my what we did!!
Ok so it's kinda light out (not near enough to see yet), but we sit up anyway. My bro has asthma/allergies etc. and apparently he was sniffling a bit. Even though we couldn't see we soon heard the snort of a deer (and might I add a very very close one!). Trent must have sniffled at the same time the deer did and he turned to me and asked..."Whoa...was that me???" I couldn't help but to bust out laughing....dang that was funny!!! I guess it scared off the deer cuz when daylight arrived...we didn't see anything :(
We stayed about an hour or so and I was stinkin hungry!! We were due to meet the rest of the fam at the farm around 8 to worm the goats (its really a family event!!!). It's now about 7:30 or a little after and we decide to book it to the local cafe in Evant, TX (you can blink and miss this town!!). We have to eat and run...literally...cuz we don't want everyone to know that we bailed out mid-hunting to go fill our so very needy bellies!!!
We made it back!!! Safe and sound!!...... deer today but no complaints in the stomach department!!!
~till next time~
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