
I just wonder....

WOW! The new Carrie Underwood CD is great!!! (I sure do like the "before he cheats" one)!!! ~sure would make you think about who you're messin with! Not everyone will take it so well :)
So I sit and really think (or wonder) what drives someone to want to cheat? I mean my conscious gets me about any little thing that I do...I couldn't imagine having to deal with myself after doing that. I talked with an old friend last night and he said "that he didn't think anyone just sits around and thinks about who they are gonna cheat on someone with....that there has to be a pulling force from the other side making them want to go and do that." I guess I never really thought of it that way...none the less it doesn't make it right or acceptable in my opinion.
So I have a friend that says that....and another that says..."It is because they are too big of a prick or ass to give the right girls a chance. They want to have the chase to occupy their time. Its more of a trophy count than a search for happiness. It's b/c you are what we call convenient... a guy does not want that because he knows he can have you whenever... so he is going to spend his time on toilsome things until he is ready to have you. It's sad but true. Guys are just that! Selfish conceited assholes only out to get tics on their belt before they retire their bachelorhood and expect the perfect woman to wait around for them to finish playing their games and get their childish antics out of their system." (and all this came from a guy!!! I never thought there were honest ones....haha)

Again....one of lifes many sorry a$$ wonders!


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