Oh What Pranksters....
So in an earlier post I mentioned that I would be bloggin about a funny story that happened while I was in the 'Ville! So....here goes...A few years ago my family and I decided to plot a little revenge on my dad for always falling asleep while watching movies with us. I know you all are laughing because you know that I'm the Queen of falling asleep through movies...heck I rarely make it through the credits!!! hehe. Well for whatever reason... I was awake and kickin that night. So after Dad fell asleep we whipped out the fingernail polish. When he fell asleep we painted his toe nails!!! Now we would have done the fingernails too but he did have to go to work the next morning...(hey that was nice of us right?) Being that I don't live at home anymore...my mom and brother have both been paid back. Dad decided that his revenge would be to write all over our faces with permanent marker. He really got them good I heard!!! Well I thought he might have forgotten about the whole deal cuz I hadn't suffered the consequences...until now. We were all watchin TV and yep....you guessed it... I feel asleep! I woke up the next morning only to find markings ALL over my face! What is really scary is the fact that I didn't wake up for any of it. Maybe it's because I'm home and safe and really have nothin to worry about. I don't know, but still....how I don't wake up for this....Can you believe that??? Real funny eh??? Don't worry....What goes around comes around....AGAIN!!!! hehe (by the way...that was nothin a little rubbing alcohol couldn't take off!!!) If you got any payback ideas...I'm all ears!!! YAY!
~Ok...So I'm a Bit OCD~
Well I guess the first step of recovery is admitting you have a problem right? Or so I've heard!! Soooo..."My name is Nikki and I have self-diagnosed myself as having OCD!" Here's a little background on me and OCD. (I hear writing it all out is therapeutic or something like that....Hope it helps!!) heheOk...well as you know, I went home this weekend to visit the Fam! While I was there, Mom and I were sittin around watchin TV. Up on the top of this TV sits blocks that read "God Bless Texas." No big deal right? Well they sit stacked with one on top and two on the bottom. The bottom 2 are supposed to be angled out away from each other while still touching at the back edges.......WELL....they weren't....there was a space in between them. Now I kept telling myself...it's no big deal...leave it alone...however, my eyes kept being drawn up there looking at it. So after about 10 minutes of having an internal fight with myself...I jumped up out of the chair and fixed the dern thing...SHEESH! My mother seemed to get a good laugh out of it!! (at least someone was right?!)Well if you think that's bad...just wait! I can't really remember when this started but I do know it's been a really long time now. Most people don't know about this...and now that I'm sharing it with everyone...I'm afraid I might regret it soon! :) Ok...so I have this thing about being even....but only within myself. (I know...it's weird) For example: if someone comes up to me and massages or squeezes one shoulder/arm/leg etc....I will either ask them (depending on how well I know em) if they can massage the other side...or I will simply just do it myself! Now to go even crazier than that...if someone pokes me on one side...I have to...yes...poke myself on the other. (Dad gets a kick outta doin this to me I might add!) So this also includes doin the exact same amount of exercises on both sides while workin out. While running on the roads..I have to go down one side of the road and back up the same side so that I will ...Yes...be even on both sides! It's a crazy/freakish thing (like I don't have enough of that in my life right?) Maybe it's a phase...maybe not...one things for sure...it's gonna drive me to drinkin...more margaritas that is!!! And I'm ok with that =)Crazy???? Maybe!! hehe
PrIsOn BrEaK rEtUrNs!!
So for all you addicts...such as myself...Prison Break is returning tonight!!! Now last season they got all the way up to 36 hours before execution and then it ended...so it's pickin back up there tonight...(after making us wait like 4 months...sheesh). Now I'm not real sure how this is gonna last for a whole other season with only 36 hours left until they HAVE to break out. And being that the title is Prison Break...I really don't care to know what happens after they get out...just stinkin break out already!!!
So this show is stinkin awesome...and not too mention having one H.O.T. guy like Wentworth Miller in it....*sigh* It makes the show twice as good! hehe! So get updated on what happened last season and watch it tonight (so we have something to talk about with each other!!....Hey it's either talk about this show or American Idol!!! You decide!) =)
A Good 'Ole Weekend in the 'Ville
Well I hadn't been back home since some time in January and my dad was sure lettin me know about it! So I went home and just hung out with the Fam!! Always good!! Friday night we all just hung out and watched our recorded shows that we all needed to be caught up on. Saturday mom and I went ShOpPiNg!!! (hey...that's just what girls do!!) We went to this shop in Dublin called "Diva Accessories" and this store has the CUTEST stuff ever! Lots of bling bling!! Which I love! Got me some sunglasses with pink rhinestones around the eyes, 2 watches (1 camo, and one pink of course), a pink rhinestone ring with a star in the middle, a hair clip and a pink hat!!! They are all sooo cute! I'll be all blinged out now! hehe. So I got made fun of the other day because I didn't know how to make tea without a tea-maker machine. So to avoid all this non-sense I got a tea-maker this weekend!! It's totally cute and I like anything that does all the work for me!!! I did also get a magic bullet (like the one on tv) this thing is the coolest, and being that I'll be by myself for a while it's the perfect little size to make for just me!! Now I can make me a margarita and not have tons left over!!! You guys should really consider purchasing one of these....it does a million different things!Today we all went to church, then came home and watched "The Notebook"! I could watch this movie everyday I think! It's sooo great! And one day I'll be someone's "Sweetheart" too!!! You can bet on that!!! Well that was my weekend in a nutshell. My mom is sending a few pictures to me tonight so I'll post about that funny story next! ~Till then~
A Good 'Ole Weekend in the
Swim Suit Body Mission!!!
So Melissa and I have decided to get on a mission....a rock-hard, swimsuit body mission! So far...so good!!! (technically we started this process a while ago...but just recently came up with a name for it!! hehe). I was lookin through the fitness magazine the other night and saw the whole article on Sheryl Crow and her freakin nice body. We decided if she can look like that at age 43...we can too at age 23!! (granted computers make her look even better...but still!) So today we ran 3 miles and biked 12!! Go us!! All together this week (from Sunday to Saturday) we have done a total of 24 miles!!! And we ran 12 of that! Dang we're good! (and that was even taking 3 days off for me being sick.) Tomorrow for the start of our new week...we are running 6 miles!! (wish us luck...or pray for us one that we make it home alive!!) hehe! We haven't decided how many we will bike yet though (guess it depends if we can still use our legs after the run!)So in about a month or so, you see 2 hot chicks in nothin but a swimsuit with rock-hard bodies.................................You'll Know!!! =)
What a night!!!
Ok so last night was a freakin BLAST!!! Rascal Flatts put on one of the best shows I've ever seen! Not to mention Keith Anderson and Blake Shelton opened up for them!!! 3 great artist all in one night??...Can't get much better than that!!!! So let me tell you about the highlight of the show. We are in the upper level but directly across from the stage. Good seats but not anywhere near the stage. Well about half way through the show they get on a platform and lock themselves in with a rope...the platform raises up and carries them across the stadium...YES CLOSER TO US!!! There was another small platform on our side of the stadium and they sang/played RIGHT THERE! They were sooo close! I can't even begin to expain how much fun this was!! Not too mention the 2 most hilarious people I went with!!! We laughed soo much! So the ride home was stinkin fun...(we had to entertain ourselves for the 2 hour ride home) I won't tell you everything...but I will say there was plenty of laughing, singing, and lots of pee breaks on the side of the road!!) WHOA...that was a late nighter...let me tell ya...cuz then we went downtown to Neon Moon and closed down that place as well!!! The last 2 nights have been extremely late nights...but oh sooo worth it! Friday night we all went to horseman's to see Roger Creager!!! (closed that place down too!! hehe but I'll post about that next!)One things for sure...the 3 of us can have one heck of a time!!! We are already plannin the next big concert road trip!!!
Ok...so I know I'm back tracking a tad but I haven't had much time to blog lately. So we all went to Horseman's to see Roger Creager! Had a blast...he even signed my shirt!! But anyways, we had a good time and danced the night away. Met a hot firefighter that a friend of mine brought a long!! Good dancer...just a little short for me!!! :) So Audrae and I had to go to the bathroom like every 5 minutes it seemed like...and of course we had to go together! But we kept running into this guy that was soooo tall. Well we finally get the nerve to ask him how tall he was and he was 7 foot 1. OMG...that's huge (not cute at all by the way). Well to make a long story short, as the night went on, every where we went there he was (maybe it was just more obvious because he was sooo tall). So at one point there was about 4 of us girls standin around talkin...along with 2 of our guy friends....and the giant happened to be standin next to me, facing the other way talking to his group when Kim reaches over, pinches his butt and hides behind some random person. Jolly Green Giant turns around and yep...I'm the only one standin there.......AAAAAGGHHHH!!! ( I will kill her by the way when she least expects it!!) I was like "uh uh...I swear it wasn't me..." .... yeah...like he believed that I'm sure. Needless to say he followed me around the rest of the night. UGH! All I gotta say is..."What goes around comes around my friend!" hehe~