~Ok...So I'm a Bit OCD~
Well I guess the first step of recovery is admitting you have a problem right? Or so I've heard!! Soooo..."My name is Nikki and I have self-diagnosed myself as having OCD!" Here's a little background on me and OCD. (I hear writing it all out is therapeutic or something like that....Hope it helps!!) hehe
Ok...well as you know, I went home this weekend to visit the Fam! While I was there, Mom and I were sittin around watchin TV. Up on the top of this TV sits blocks that read "God Bless Texas." No big deal right? Well they sit stacked with one on top and two on the bottom. The bottom 2 are supposed to be angled out away from each other while still touching at the back edges.......WELL....they weren't....there was a space in between them. Now I kept telling myself...it's no big deal...leave it alone...however, my eyes kept being drawn up there looking at it. So after about 10 minutes of having an internal fight with myself...I jumped up out of the chair and fixed the dern thing...SHEESH! My mother seemed to get a good laugh out of it!! (at least someone was right?!)
Well if you think that's bad...just wait! I can't really remember when this started but I do know it's been a really long time now. Most people don't know about this...and now that I'm sharing it with everyone...I'm afraid I might regret it soon! :) Ok...so I have this thing about being even....but only within myself. (I know...it's weird) For example: if someone comes up to me and massages or squeezes one shoulder/arm/leg etc....I will either ask them (depending on how well I know em) if they can massage the other side...or I will simply just do it myself! Now to go even crazier than that...if someone pokes me on one side...I have to...yes...poke myself on the other. (Dad gets a kick outta doin this to me I might add!) So this also includes doin the exact same amount of exercises on both sides while workin out. While running on the roads..I have to go down one side of the road and back up the same side so that I will ...Yes...be even on both sides! It's a crazy/freakish thing (like I don't have enough of that in my life right?) Maybe it's a phase...maybe not...one things for sure...it's gonna drive me to drinkin...more margaritas that is!!! And I'm ok with that =)
Crazy???? Maybe!! hehe
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.
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