PrIsOn BrEaK rEtUrNs!!
So for all you addicts...such as myself...Prison Break is returning tonight!!! Now last season they got all the way up to 36 hours before execution and then it it's pickin back up there tonight...(after making us wait like 4 months...sheesh). Now I'm not real sure how this is gonna last for a whole other season with only 36 hours left until they HAVE to break out. And being that the title is Prison Break...I really don't care to know what happens after they get out...just stinkin break out already!!!
So this show is stinkin awesome...and not too mention having one H.O.T. guy like Wentworth Miller in it....*sigh* It makes the show twice as good! hehe! So get updated on what happened last season and watch it tonight (so we have something to talk about with each other!!....Hey it's either talk about this show or American Idol!!! You decide!) =)
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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